Create to


“In Creative Leadership we get to be creative in our own ways and make art that represents ourselves. Here we can gain insights on everything it takes to easily design merch. Art can be whatever you want it to be, it doesn't have to be perfect. Our collective has the ability to embrace creativity and ideas through a way other than words, and explore multiple ways to create something that speaks to others. After this program we hope to continue doing art that will inspire others to create merch or any type of clothing brand in the future.”

-Summer 2023 Cohort


Through my designs I want to embrace my ideas and thoughts, and speak to the audience in a way that allows them to spark their own creativity and speak to others not only through words.
— Program Participant

"This program gave me a lot of creative freedom" -Program Participant

"This program gave me a lot of creative freedom" -Program Participant ☺

Home Goods and Accessories

Art can be anything, there could be no right or wrong.
— Program Participant, Matthew
When I’m drawing, I’m relaxing
— Program Participant

“What motivates me is knowing that what I do will eventually make a difference.”

— Program participant

“I am someone who wants to be proud of who I am.”

— Program participant

I had a lot of fun making the design and I would be happy to see someone else wear my design.

— Program Participant

I joined this program in order to express my creativity and thoughts in ways that can speak to others.

— Program Participant

It was fun learning about art and how just to be creative with the art you do.

— Program Participant, Matthew